Win: Flying Vinyl Box Set

Featuring some fantastic new music...

Ever had a hankering to absorb new music on vinyl, but weren't quite sure where to start?

Well, Flying Vinyl are here to help. A new venture, the Flying Vinyl team will curate a series of special box sets, pulling together seven inch vinyl releases from some of the best labels in the land.

Tastefully designed, the subscription-based project features no less than five releases in each box being mailed out once a month.

Fancy getting involved? Well, Clash has a copy of the latest box to give away. The list of contents is pretty exciting in itself:

BEACH BABY (A / No Mind No Money B / Ladybird)
OH SO QUIET (A / Water's Fall B / Rain At Night)
KID WAVE (A / Get Outta My Mind B / Honey)
THEO VERNEY (A / Brain Disease B / The Dunes)
THE BIG MOON (A / Sucker B / Eureka Moment)

To stand a chance of winning simply tell us your most favourite recent vinyl purchase. We'll pick the lucky winner!

For full information on Flying Vinyl click HERE.

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