A compelling and vital debut album...

South London multi-instrumentalist, producer and vocalist Wu-Lu has unleashed his debut album ‘LOGGERHEAD’. The versatile and genre-bending twelve-track project merges rap and heavy metal influences to produce a grungy, post-punk take on the sound of modern London. Occasionally contrasting scratchy, warped guitar riffs with floating string arrangements, expertly layered over grinding bass and triplet-laced drums.

Wu-Lu chronicles overcoming the feelings of anxiety and guilt that being diminished bring forth by raging out over the course of the album. ‘Times’ and ‘South’ featuring Lex Amor are two definitive high points of the project. ‘LOGGERHEAD’ makes for an unmistakably compelling debut, held aloft by the principle that sometimes you have to just scream it out.


Words: Naima Sutton

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