The Sunshine Underground – Nobody’s Coming To Save You

Will nourish their ever passionate cult following

Back in 2006, The Sunshine Underground released their superb debut album amidst the materialistic fad-banging of a nu-rave genre, and it went depressingly uncelebrated.

Unlike the nu-rave casualties of Test Icicles, Shitdisco and Pull Tiger Tail, Sunshine have returned with a second album that dispels labels once forced on them. Quick shifting drum patterns and rhythmic tempos assault from the off, as lead singer Wellington breaks into his trademark piercing vocals in two powerful opening tracks.

The album can drag at halfway, but the fire is reignited in the anthemic melodies of ‘Here It Comes’. Sunshine were never meant for the masses, but this album will nourish their ever passionate cult following.


Words by Joe Zadeh

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