The Black Keys – I Got Mine

Batman and Robin of the blues

Heavy rockin’ mischief from the Ohio based Batman and Robin of the blues.

The Black Keys have a formula and stick to it. Borrowing from the songbooks of Junior Kimbrough, RL Burnside and a hefty dose of late 60s guitar slingers the duo have carved an admirable niche in the bedrock of pop music, spinning yarns of hard livin’ and even harder lovin’. Produced by Danger Mouse, “I Got Mine” is taken from the group’s recent album “Attack And Release” and broadens The Black Keys’ sonic palette without losing that distinctive taste. An ambient breakdown (seriously!) recalling prime cuts by Syd Barret segues into some frenzied guitar, before the song crashes to a halt. White Stripes comparisons are never far away, but this is big dumb fun from the Delta’s dynamic duo.

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