Apparently this soundtracks the last two years of Swedish House Mafia’s rise to popularity. To account for the offensively retrospective nature of this trawl of commonplace dance-floor garbage (we’re talking Coldplay, Candi Staton and Justice), I must assume, first, that they spent the last two years in a timewarp somewhere between 1993 and 2006. And secondly, that they spent this time in trashy commercial nightclubs, where glowsticks never die, dancefloors rotate and there’s a price reduction for hen parties. Even when it’s stutters into the moderate unknowns of Riva Starr-ish, balkan klez-tech, with ‘Valodja’, it’s still wholly unconvincing. Who remembers Modehookers, and when these three were the progressive behind progressive house? Swedish House Mafia, what happened to you? WASTE!
Words By Joe Zadeh