SOHN – Tremors

Sure to be a hit with the disenfranchised...

SOHN’s outpourings convolute a seesaw of sensitivity, worrying the stomachs of Hannah Reid and Haim at either end.

On ‘Paralysed’, a track sitting at the middle of this 4AD-released debut LP, he invokes macabre sympathy, a beacon of vampire balladry accentuating a lonesome yet far-reaching falsetto that spoons electronics looking for a post prefix. Able to meander in the vocal’s shadow supports a performance full of pincer movements.

In a relationship exposing and attending to each other’s vulnerabilities, between fireside rocking chair and disrobed cosmic disco, ‘Tremors’ realises the transfer between London and Vienna SOHN has made. Sure to be a hit with the disenfranchised, give the man a single bulb to perform under on stage and fans will be riveted.


Words: Matt Oliver

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Related: read our Next Wave interview with SOHN

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