Neko Case – Middle Cyclone

Case's latest is arguably her best yet...

Nothing has changed with Neko Case in three years.

While her last full-length, ’Fox Confessor Brings The Flood’, asserted the Canadian as one of the best, ‘Middle Cyclone’, three years on, is better. And that is not an easy task.

All in all, these songs are stronger, better conceived and even more impressively performed. Once again, Case’s trademark countrified pipes define each song, but instead of carrying the melodies on her back, these songs shine independently, aside from the vocals. Case and her throaty, masculine vocals do take centre stage, but they’re not alone this time.

From the title track to the rousing ‘The Tornado Loves You’, right through a surprising but downright lovely take on Sparks’ ‘Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth’, this set is flawless, adding class, maturity and enthusiasm to poke around country, folk and pop. And this has been the story with Neko Case, throughout her twelve years of recordings: regardless of what she touches, an innate consistency and sense of flourish abounds, creating music worth delving into, time and time again.

Once again, Case has produced an undeniable triumph, and surely one to earn early Polaris Prize nods. Plus, M. Ward, Garth Hudson, Giant Sand and other heavyweights pop in and out, and that, in and of itself, is worth seeking out. In the world of female-fronted, alternative country, there is little better than this now, or even ever for that matter.

Go buy it.

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