An ongoing battle takes place between the head and the heart across Los Angeles sister-trio Haim’s second album ‘Something To Tell You’.
Where foolishness is tentatively lamented against the gleaming hood of album introduction ‘Want You Back’, devotional promises cut through the sugar-pop divinity of ‘Ready For You’. “I gave you my love / You gave me nothing,” begins the sobering slow crawl of ‘Right Now’, where ‘Nothing’s Wrong’ nostalgically speaks to the fading of halcyon days.
Although littered with incandescent beams of hyper-melody – extending a hand to the youth of 2013’s ‘Days Are Gone’, ‘Something To Tell You’ is patient and moves at its own, night-unending pace, where Californian sister act Este, Danielle, and Alana surf some kind of strange paradise between love and loss.
Words: James Musker
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