Young Fathers Reveal New Track

'Mr. Martyr' from 'Tape Two' collection...

Edinburgh-based, Anticon-signed rap-cum-R&B (wow, to really sell them short) trio Young Fathers have released a new track onto the 'net ahead of the release of their new long(er)-playing set, 'Tape Two'.

The three-piece, whose vocal interplay and tremendous physical performance impressed this critic hugely at this year's Great Escape in Brighton, have come a long way since their earliest, rather-by-the-books approach to rhyming. 'Tape Two' is a beautiful collection of diverse tangents, tapping into African heritages and hip-hop's ever-evolving sphere of contemporary relevance.

'Mr Martyr' is just one of its highlights, and can be streamed below. Also leading 'Tape Two' in a preview capacity is the cut 'I Heard', which the outfit made a video for. That can be viewed above.

Look out for a review of 'Tape Two', released on June 10th, on these pages soon. We probably don't need to tell you that it's a pretty positive write-up.

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