Weller Attacks Ordinary Boys

Preston "A Silly Pop Star"

British musical legend has had a swipe at Samuel Preston of the Ordinary Boys, accusing him of doing a “total about face” by appearing on Celebrity Big Brother.

Paul Weller championed the band early in their career, and was even interviewed jointly with him at one point. The Ordinary Boys early sound was very much influenced by the spiky Mod pop of The Jam – Weller’s first group – and the two seemed to hit it off.

However, Samuel Preston’s actions since then have left a bitter taste in the musicians mouth. Controversially, Preston joined Celebrity Big Brother and entered into the pop world. His subsequent releases have seen the Ordinary Boys take a turn, well, for the ordinary.

“What happened to them, man? I thought he was a credible character, serious about what he was doing,” Weller told the British red top the Mirror.

“Then he’s behaving like a silly pop star, a total about-face.”

Samuel Preston has yet to comment.

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