Watch: Sex Pistols – Holidays In The Sun

New clip emerges...

The Sex Pistols have posted a brand new clip for their classic single ‘Holidays In The Sun’.

In 1977 The Sex Pistols at the centre of a maelstrom of controversy. Unable to walk the streets of Britain safely, the band were flung into a chaotic existence of near continual touring and outlandish headlines.

Attempting to visit Jersey, local police escorted the band from the island within 24 hours. Settling in Berlin, The Sex Pistols witnessed at first hand the bizarre twin existence of a city split along ideological grounds.

Inspiring their classic single ‘Holidays In The Sun’ the track has now gained a brand new video. Directed by Julien Temple, the clip uses home footage shot by John ‘Boogie’ Tiberi.

“The live performance was shot using one camera and shows the extraordinary captivating quality of the band at the time,” Temple recalled recently. “There was shock in the room, it was hypnotising, contagious, and unfolded right in front of you. It was filmed in Penzance in September 1977, the Pistols arrived unannounced and the audience couldn’t believe what they were getting”.

John Lydon recently looked back on that trip to Berlin. “Berlin was a very different town then. It was like that scene in Apocalypse Now when they go up the river and they see the flares and the party going on, all the soldiers on acid… That’s what Berlin was like, with a chaotic war-zone wrapped around it. The Communists were looking in on this adventure playground. Quite mental.”

Watch ‘Holidays In The Sun’ below.

‘Never Mind The Bollocks, Here’s The Sex Pistols’ is set to be re-issued on September 24th.

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