Returning Irish rock giants U2 are set to release another new album in 2009, after ‘No Line On The Horizon’ hits the record racks.
Look out Chris Martin – Bono’s been taking notes. Coldplay cemented their position as one of the planet’s biggest groups, then shocked fans by releasing another batch of material.
Now U2 are set to do exactly the same thing. Bizarrely, the two groups even share a producer in Brian Eno. The forthcoming album is apparently more downbeat than ‘No Lines On The Horizon’.
In an interview with The New York Times, guitarist The Edge confirmed that the band would not be breaking from the traditional cycle of record releases.
“My instinct is to stick with the record guys. They have to sell your records or sell the downloads, whatever it ends up being. To do that, first of all you’ve got to love and understand the music, and right now I’m not seeing any group that rivals the record labels on that front.”
Singer Bono confirmed this saying “I’m interested in commerce.” Oh really? What a surprise!
“The excuse for bigness is that songs demand to be heard if they’re any good. And without the kind of momentum of being in a big rock ‘n roll band, you won’t get your songs heard.”