Something electric.
Something primal. Something which seems to walk the thin line, the tightrope between here – this space, this time – and the open road.
Devin just seems to conjure all of these things. Slicked back hair and shrouded in noir, the New Yorkers’ stage presence is all prime era Johnny Cash: wrapped in black, driven by cheap trucker speed and a rabid distaste for authority.
There’s a rebellion here. Old fashion, for sure, but despite what you may read elsewhere there are still problems in the world and most of them have been here for some time.
Debut album ‘Romancing’ is finally released today (April 30th). The sound of a songwriter coming into being, the record has all the thrill of your first kiss, your first time behind a steering wheel or the first time you went shoplifting.
Stripped from the album, ‘New Horrors’ is a taste of what to expect. Flick knives, feedback and the sound of cats howling at night Devin is driven by deviant rock ‘n’ roll behaviour – and don’t we just love him for it…
Listen to it now…