Track Of The Day 25/8 – Boris Yeltsin

ClashMusic still loves you!

The current indie boom has seen a host of Stateside exports conquer the British music scene.

Yet some fantastic groups have failed to break through. Much adored in their homeland, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltin have barely made an impression on British audiences, despite their critical esteem.

Uncomplicated power pop, the band’s shimmering harmonies are given a knowing Pavement style slant. Returning with their third full length album, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin have completed their most affecting statement yet.

Produced by Chris Walla from Death Cab For Cutie, ‘Let It Sway’ is chock full of tender songwriting. Pop re-figured for adults, the album espouses a new, laid back policy which even extended to the studio.

Moving from Missouri to Wisconsin, the group set up home in Smart Studios. Working with Walla and the celebrated in house team, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltin set about matching the low key appeal of their early recordings to a the clinical sound of previous album ‘Perishing’.

With UK dates set to kick off in October, ClashMusic have grabbed ‘Sink / Let It Sway’ as a free download. A stunning primer for the new album, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin are wearing their hearts on their sleeves, as always.

Listen to it now… Grab it HERE.

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