Track Of The Day 22/9 – Sophie Jamieson


Sophie Jamieson pours her feelings into every note.

A musician who shares an intimate relationship with her craft, the London based songwriter is capable of constructing something magic. New album ‘Choosing’ is out on December 2nd, and it’s being released on Bella Union.

New song ‘Downpour’ is emblematic of her approach, with her deftness of touch aligned to an incisive lyrical flair. The song is profoundly empathetic, with Sophie discussing an emptiness in her life, and how she seeks to find fulfilment.

Of the song’s gestation, and its meaning in her life, she comments: “This song came from a desperate need to fill a void I could not seem to fill myself. I wanted to fix, and be fixed by somebody who was in no position to do so. I was blinded by this idea that they were the way out of my pain, and when they said no, the walls came tumbling in every time and I didn’t know how to hold them up.”

Sophie adds: “It’s a desperate song, full of need that doesn’t know what to feed on, and love that doesn’t have a place to go…”

An atmospheric song, pierced with emotion, the video for ‘Downpour’ aims for the heart. Shot in her locality, the clip was directed by Sophie Jamieson and Ros Bullard.

“The video was filmed at my local riverside in South East London. I was fascinated by the movement of water and everything that changes its direction and its force. The way it both moves around, and pushes against everything it touches… even pushing against itself and eventually calming down. The way it has the ability to create space, and also to overwhelm, to drown.”

Catch Sophie Jamieson at London’s Amazing Grace on September 26th.

Tune in now.

Photo Credit: Tatjana Ruegsegger

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