Track Of The Day 20/10: Lovvers

Listen to 'Human Hair' by the band

Track of the Day for the 20th October is ‘Human Hair’ by Lovvers.

The track is taken from the band’s ‘THINK’ album, thirteen tracks at just under thirteen minutes and a sound so offensive it prompted one gig goer to write in and complain!

So, as if to rub the public’s face in it, they are off on the road to insult some more people with their aural attack.


7th Glasgow 13th Note Cafe

8th Newcastle The End

9th Leeds Packhorse

10th Nottingham Chameleon

24th Worcester Firefly

25th Bristol Attic

November – Supporting Jay Reatard

18th Glasgow ABC2

19th Manchester Deaf Institute

20th Leeds Faversham

21nd Liverpool Korova

22rd Nottingham Bodega Social

23rd Bristol The Cooler

28th Brighton Engine Rooms

29th Reading Kings Tavern

Listen to ‘Human Hair’ by Lovvers below –

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