Track Of The Day 10/7 – Little Cub

'Breathing Space'

Little Cub tend to go a little deeper than most bands.

The Peckham based project assemble a vast nexus of ideas, a web of styles, influences, genres, and approaches.

Debut album 'Still Life' is out now, matching some impeccable songwriting to a willingness to explore fresh, highly individual ground.

Album highlight 'Breathing Space' pits fluttering electronics against that heart on sleeve vocal, while lyrically the group explore the intricacies of human relationships.

Little Cub tell Clash: “’Breathing Space’ is a song about the negative spaces in a relationship and people and things that come in to fill those gaps. Don Paterson once said it's easier to traverse the distance of space than to bridge the distance between one person's mind and yours and here the central question is one of fidelity. That if someone keeps you at arms length for long enough at what point does so much come between you that the ties simply come undone.”

The video was shot by Lily Rose Thomas and edited by Thomas, Nick Pomeroy and bass player, Ady Acolaste.

Filmed in the band's own house, the clip was partly inspired by American video artist Sue De Beer. Tune in now.

For tickets to the latest Little Cub shows click HERE.

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