Toronto's Bad Waitress aren't about to listen to your BS.
The band's staunch independence places them in a lane of their own – punk rock delivered with laser-sharp intensity, the group's biting lyricism is both surreal and straight to the point.
New album 'No Taste' is out in a matter of hours – September 3rd, in fact – through Royal Mountain Records, and there's one final preview left to share.
'Manners' is about femininity, and various boxes society assigns to young women; it's also a two-fingered salute to those preconceived notions, blasting apart those self-same boxes in the process.
As ever, Bad Waitress are much more eloquent than we could be, so here's the press quote…
"'Manners' is about how uncomfortable it feels to have people try to force you into this box of 'a sweet little girl' when that doesn’t stick at all to what you know you are. Having the emphasis on your upbringing be to please the world instead of nurturing whatever it is that makes you feel at home in yourself. It’s about being taught to think of what’s expected of you instead of what feels right, and chucking that shit out the window as soon as you realise how bogus that is."
The new video is a crash course in their surreal yet caustic world, with Bad Waitress becoming wind up dolls as they perform the track.
Tune in now.
Photo Credit: Kate Dockeray
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