Thurston Moore Details New Memoir

Sonic Life is due in 2023...

Sonic Youth co-founder Thurston Moore has laid out plans for his memoir Sonic Life.

The guitarist revealed plans to write the book during an interview with Vulture last year, describing the tome as a series of essays focussing on his time coming of age in New York.

Taking in the late 70s, it closes with the emergence of Sonic Youth at the beginning of the 80s; he told the title, “this downtime period allowed me to do this, so I have this manuscript called Sonic Life that I probably will publish at some point in 2021…”

Well, the manuscript has been purchased by Faber, who will publish the book in 2023. Publishing industry site The Bookseller says the memoir will cover the “wild music and endless wonder” of Moore’s career and life.

Thurston Moore's solo album 'By The Fire' was released last Autumn.

Related: Go Within – Thurston Moore In Conversation

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