Swim Deep Soar On New Song ‘Very Heaven’

A string-laden piece of indie poetics...

Swim Deep have shared new song ‘Very Heaven’.

The indie heroes return with new album ‘There’s A Big Star Outside’ later this year, alongside a helter skelter batch of UK live shows. Out shortly on Submarine Cat Records, the previews are coming thick and fast.

New single ‘Very Heaven’ was constructed alongside producer Bill Ryder-Jones, working from his studio in West Kirby. A tender piece of songwriting, there’s a string flourish to the arrangement, transforming it into a rousing piece of indie poetics.

Frontman Austin Williams comments…

During one windy night in West Kirby, me and Bill (Ryder-Jones) sat in his local as the sideways rain stabbed our cheeks. We talked tipsily and candidly about everything from our Everton and Birmingham city woes, to the very reason we thought we made music in the first place, and opened up about what fated times dictated the melodies and lyrics that came out.

We swapped ideas and voice notes and he modestly showed me one which was the chorus of ‘Very Heaven’, to which I instantly thought was the greatest thing I’d ever heard. I couldn’t wait to get back to my hotel so I could listen to it on repeat and pine about the song it could become.

A song title taken from a William Wordsworth poem “Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven!”. Recording this song with the band at ICP was the highlight of the time there. A huge moment for us as a band.

Tune in now.

Photo Credit: Steve Gullick

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