Canadian group Stars have claimed their account with social networking site Myspace has been hacked, after a blog savaging Ben Folds appeared.
The blog appeared on Myspace, apparently after Ben Folds discussed Charles Spearin’s work with The Happiness Project. Apparently Folds wasn’t a fan and the poster – whoever he or she was – took umbrage claiming the songwriter was “shitty mid nineties m.o.r. lite grunge” before insisting he must be “fuckin’ nuts” not to like The Happiness Project.
Well, as it turns out, it wasn’t Stars who said that. In a new posting the group’s Torquil Campbell state:
“we don’t know who put up their rant against ben folds here…….could have been anyone i guess………but we don’t know what the fuck all this is about… We do love charlie spearin…………don’t really know ben folds work………..anyway, i find it exciting that i dont even have to know whats going on to be contreversial….. i am now going to change the password on our myspace……i have to say, whoever you are, you’ve really got my style down!
wow, torq”
So let’s get this straight – first message was fake but the second one isn’t. Does this mean we can’t trust blogs anymore?