Starcrawler Drop Debut Single ‘Ants’

Riotious Los Angeles newcomers...

Starcrawler met in high school.

Autumn de Wilde was going through life, a confused kid when she first happened across guitarist and co-writer Henri Cash.

Gradually, the two found like minds, with Starcrawler emerging from the streets of Hollywood with a twinkle in their eye and a snarl on their mouth.

Debut single 'Ants' arrives on blood-splattered seven inch vinyl, an extremely limited edition to a powerful, provocative new band.

There are shades of The Runaways or early Blondie here, a deliciously evil charm combined with rock 'n' roll prowess.

Tune in now.

Catch Starcrawler at London's Old Blue Last on May 15th

Photo Credit: Autumn de Wilde

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