Arriving in a blizzard of girl group harmonies, roaring riffs and frenzied ambition, September Girls lit up the opening weeks of 2014 with their debut album.
'Cursing The Sea' (Clash review HERE) was an assured debut, packed with moments of genuine wit and daring. Since then, the Dublin based outfit have played countless shows across the land, piecing together fresh material on their travels.
New EP 'Veneer' will be released on November 24th, with the title track available to stream online. Written by Caoimhe, it is seemingly about "standing up to the force that stifles creativity and expression. Like a critical voice in your head that tells you you're not good enough, it leaves you feeling empty and useless. "Seductive veneer" refers to the easy option, which is quitting. I think the message of the song is to ignore that voice and do it anyway."
Check it out now.
Related: Next Wave – September Girls
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