Producer de jour Mark Ronson has hit back at Noel Gallgher after the Oasis man said in an interview that Ronson should “learn three chords on the guitar and write a tune”.
The ever truculent guitarist also accused the producer of ruining other people’s songs by covering them – a la Zutons’ “Valerie”. Ronson has responded by posting a blog on his myspace page which re-ignites the simmering feud between Gallagher and Jay-Z.
“Noel Gallagher said I should ‘learn three chords on the guitar and go write a tune’. So I just wanted him to know that I’m actually taking guitar lessons from Jay-Z right now and he’s already taught me both chords to ‘Wonderwall’ (tune!).” would like to point out that there are actually four chords in the opening section of “Wonderwall” alone. The producer went on to say:
“In fact, it’s so much fun having Jay teach me all of Noel’s songs on the guitar (hooray!) that I’m thinking of doing an Oasis/Jay-Z remix album a la ‘The Grey Album’. Potential titles are ‘Champagne Superhova’ or ‘Definitely Jay Z’. I’ll keep you posted.”
There is currently no release date for the Mark Ronson / Oasis remix album.