Ray Dawn Hits Back With ‘Flex’

It's about allowing his potential to be realised...

Atlanta's very own Ray Dawn has shared his new single 'Flex'.

The rapper was almost expelled from school before becoming a lawyer, but deep down music was always his true love.

Coming to wider attention thanks to a Common backed talent competition, this newcomer is moving with velocity.

Hitting hard and refusing to look back, new single 'Flex' is the sound of someone realising their own potential.

Crisp of flow and dexterous in his word play, Ray Dawn bobs and weaves, never ducking from a fight.

He comments: "'Flex' is about enjoying the fruits of my labor, refusing to be lackadaisical, keeping my foot on the gas and manifesting my vision. Life is good, but I'm looking forward to it being even better."

Tune in now.

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