Yila is a project helmed by Alastair McNeill, an artist perhaps best known for his creative association with Roisin Murphy.
Far from a solo project, Yila in fact utilises a vast variety of different voices. The cross-polination of minds, the project is summed up by the term 'collective memory'.
Alastair explains: “It’s a term we use for shared experience on similar subjects, I found there were things I wanted to say with the songs, but didn’t want to come across like a whining lonely songwriter, as soon as I involved one more singer I realised we all experience the same things, then as we all sing / play / create art as a reaction I hoped we’d produce a more rounded objective view-point on the subjects of the pieces.”
The 'Overload' EP arrives on February 26th, with Clash able to premiere the Fear Of Landing remix. It's a curious track, as fragmentary as it is subtly euphoric.
Check it out now.