Premiere: Oliver Spalding – ‘Lonely This Christmas’

Re-working a Christmas favourite...

Christmas brings its own soundtrack, an array of festive favourites that even the most Scrooge-like of us know by heart.

Oliver Spalding was recently invited to contribute to an Advent themed compilation, pieced together by the hard-working elves at the Monotreme Records grotto.

Out shortly, the compilation includes all manner of festive baubles, and Oliver's effort takes pride of place under the tree.

Covering Mud's mid 70s ballad 'Lonely This Christmas' has strips away the glitz and the schlock to the find the core of the song, a different reading that allows for the essential strangeness of the source era to seep out.

He explains:

“I needed a Christmas song I could completely make my own and one with a melancholy theme to make it fit perfectly. This song has always been a personal favourite and I always wanted to slow it down at some point. And put something out over Christmas that isn’t a safe bet. A rendition of a well known song that’s a little bit strange and uncomfortably beautiful!”

Tune in now.

'A Very Monotreme Christmas' will be released on December 7th.

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