Nightmare Air come from Los Angeles, a city with a rich rock heritage.
Yet the band's music largely by-passes this, opting instead for lush shoegaze harmonies, a boy-girl dichotomy that veers into heavenly terrain.
Even at their most tranquil, however, Nightmare Air have a little of their L.A. grit, a slight rock sensibility that can't be ignored.
New album 'Fade Out' is incoming, with Clash able to share new song 'Sign Of The Times'.
Blending some wistful dream pop tones with sugar-sweet melodies, it's easy on the ear yet retains its own secrets.
The trio explain: “This bright little gem started as acoustic heart-wrencher. As one of the first songs we completed for the record we were concerned it was too sweet at to fit with the rest of the new tunes, as the record developed it became one of the lead tracks and subsequently one of my favourited Nightmare Air songs to date. Really proud of this one and Swaan's emotive vocals.”
Tune in now.
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