For a while there, it seemed as though 'Oil On Ice' was going to slip through the tracks, become one of those mythical lost tunes.
JT The Goon sculpted the riddim more than 18 months ago, with Rabit giving it a high-profile spin on Rinse FM. An infectious, near irresistible ear worm, it captured the attention of Blackdown – who then spent months tracking it down.
After a mammoth digital journey, it's finally gaining a full release. Keysound take charge of ushering 'Oil On Ice' out into the watching world, and it couldn't have found a more apt home.
Those grime-charged beats sit within familiar ground for the label, but it's more the track's insistence to exist in its own space, on its own terms, that fits the Keysound mindset.
The full EP contains several VIP versions – Clash is able to premiere 'Oil On Ice' (VIP Version 2), and it's a spring-heeled monster.
Check it out now.