Haunted Doorbell is a project helmed by Timothy J. Fairplay and Matilda Tristram, two producers eager to explore unfamiliar climes.
Debut release 'Xylophone' was imbued with a rare sense of naivety, the fragile synths matched against a patient sense of melancholy.
New EP 'Unconnected Thoughts On Jacking' is set to follow this week. A four track affair, Clash is able to premiere two cuts from the full package.
Opening track 'Starclash' is imbued with a real sense of futurism, the synth spasms exploding into shards of light. The fragrant melody lines, though, are matched against metallic percussion, the two fusing into something strident yet still delicate.
'A Night Of Adventure' meanwhile opens with a cute synth melody, before crunching chords bellow underneath. A more muscular track, there's a sense of disco here, of Giorgio Moroder's continual abandon.
Check it out now.
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