Premiere: Gentlemen – Dusk Mix

Psych-prog newcomers outline their influences...

Prog – forty years on, it's still a dirty word.

Few new bands would admit to enjoying progressive rock, let alone making it.

Yet, casting a gentle eye across the release schedule, it's possible to find the movement's influence in the most unlikely of places.

Gentlemen are most surely one of those places. The London based newcomers cast a psychedelic spell, with their music having an outlandish sense of imagination.

It's vital, it's strong, it's… prog. And that's no bad thing, with upcoming release 'Night Reels II' (out on February 25th via Week Of Wonders) demonstrating a knack for powerful, mind-spinning fare.

Stripped from the upcoming EP, you can listen to the throbbing, cosmic entity that is 'Gentle Duke' below.

Ahead of this, Gentlemen have crafted a brand new mix which highlights a few of their influences. Opening with free jazz and plunging into the world of psych-pop maverick Todd Rundgren, it's an exhilarating ride through some of the more far out realms of the pop universe.

Ending with a double whammy of King Crimson and Pink Floyd, this is the perfect time to throw away those mis-conceptions about what prog really is…

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