For a moment there, it looked as though Chelsea Lankes work would forever be etched heartache.
Tracks like 'Ghost' and 'Bullet' detailed the breaking up process, and seemed to underline the simply fact that moving on can be hard to do.
New single 'Easy', however, manages this effortlessly. It's an absolute bop, with the tropical-tinged production casting vivid rays of sun across Chelsea's pop noir.
She's a woman re-born, someone who is in love, committed, and able to build something fresh with someone different.
"I’ve been so excited to release this song because it’s not just a random attempt at writing something happy," Chelsea says of the track. "It’s truly reflective of where I’m at in my life and relationship. It’s refreshing to be in a genuine place of joy and excitement and i hope people can feel that when they listen to this song."
Tune in now.
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