Broadway Sounds seem to exist on a higher plane.
The group – a mere three people, would you believe – are responsible for extra-dimensional sounds, borrowing from West Africa's rhythmic engine, while also sluicing together James Brown funk, home made electronics, and a neat line in psychedelia.
Opening EP releases 'The Last Detail' and 'Wildflowers' introduced a startling, vivid new voice, with Broadway Sounds displaying an impish sense of humour amidst the engrossing percussive abstraction.
New cut 'Ah Ring Ah Ting Ting' is the latest to emerge from the vivid imagination of the Australian project, and it's a dense yet enormously infectious piece of Afro-funk.
Continually creative, the complex rhythms interlock to create something uniquely physical, while the production veers between broken down electronics and other-worldly psych.
Highly recommended, you can tune in below.
Stay in touch with Broadway Sounds HERE.