Noel Gallagher Working On Bowie-Influenced Material

Guitarist focusses on new album...

Noel Gallagher is working on new material influenced by David Bowie.

The guitarist is currently hard at work on a new High Flying Birds album, recording music in the United States.

Taking time out to speak with Rolling Stone, Noel Gallagher was clearly in uproarious form. "I'm in the studio at the minute," he said. "I'm in the middle of fucking about."

"I'm doing some stuff that, this time in particular, will get really, properly ignored in America," he continued. "I don't just mean ignored like the rest of 'em. I mean properly ignored. That's what I'm aiming for: total, total anonymity. I'm sick and tired of being in New York and being pestered by one person a month. That's gotta fucking stop."

Seemingly, one track that they group have recorded sounds like David Bowie's classic single 'The Jean Genie'. "I've nicked a little bit of that," he revealed. "The 'woo-hoo!'. You'll hear that sooner or later in one of my tracks."

Continuing, Noel Gallagher claimed that the new material was "melodic" and that he was "thriving". He said: "From what I’ve done at the moment, sonically it sounds different, but it will still be very melodic and all that."

"I remain fucking totally awesome. In 2016, I'm as awesome as I was in the back end of 2015. My hair is impeccable; it's not showing any signs of thinning, at all. I'm fuckin' thriving. Thriving!"

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