Neil Young Shares Self-Isolation Recording ‘Shut It Down 2020’

As a tonic for fans...

Neil Young has shared an electrifying new recording 'Shut It Down 2020'.

The original song 'Shut It Down' features on 2019's 'Colorado', an epic full length recorded high in the Colorado hills.

It's here fans can find Neil Young, who has been hosting his Fireside sessions during COVID-19 lockdown.

Now the songwriter has shared a new version of 'Shut It Down', complete with visuals produced by himself and wife Daryll Hannah.

'Shut It Down 2020' is online now, a searing performance that showcases Neil Young's electric side.

"These are uncertain times," he says. "I wish you all the best as you care for our sick, the young and old who we love so much."

"Sending the best wishes to all the health care and government workers all over the world, to all the scientists who will learn and share with us the best ways to ensure survival in our world challenged. Let’s all work together and stay positive that we will find a way. With love to all, in all walks of life, all political persuasions, all colours."

"We will succeed working together for the good of our world as we are here together, hanging in the balance of nature."

Tune in now.

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