Blow out the torches and put away those pitchforks, for a highly unusual event has occurred…
Morrissey's liberal-baiting tendencies are well known, but perhaps reached their apogee recently when the singer issued an out-of-step statement following the Manchester attacks.
Cue online opprobrium – perhaps justified given the singer's somewhat chequered record on racial harmony.
Fans were left stunned and slack-jawed earlier today, however, when Morrissey posted an actually, almost, sort of reasonable statement.
In it, the one-time Smiths icon states he is against killing animals, slates Theresa May's attempts to re-introduce foxhunting and praises Jeremy Corbyn for his work on animal rights.
Is that the sound of confused fans rummaging through the dustbin to find their long-since deleted Smiths seven inches…?
It might take more than this to win back some, but it's certainly a start.