Outspoken indie icon Morrissey has caused a massive new race row by labelling the Chinese “a sub-species”.
Morrissey’s record on race relations leaves something to be desires. Songs such as ‘Bengali In Platforms’ raised uncomfortable questions about his beliefs, before an NME cover outted him as a racist in 1992.
Later kissing and making up with the magazine, the shotgun marriage collapsed last year after Morrissey gave yet another another controversial interview. Now the singer has again caused offence, labelling the Chinese a “sub-species”.
Speaking to The Guardian, the singer was asked about his long held views on animal rights. Known for his staunch stance on animal cruelty, Morrissey has in the past attempted to defend groups such as the ALF.
Referring to China’s record on animal welfare, the singer ranted about the nation. “Did you see the thing on the news about their treatment of animals and animal welfare?” he said.
“Absolutely horrific” he continued. “You can’t help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies.”
The interview was held by long time Smiths fans and noted poet Simon Armitage. Understandably, the quotes have caused huge offence amongst Britain’s Chinese community, who reject being slurred as a people due to the disgraceful attitudes of some towards animal rights.
However in typically allusive fashion Morrissey has refused to talk further about his views. Read the entire interview HERE.
Elsewhere, Morrissey explained that work on his autobiography is “almost concluded”. Last year the singer revealed he was working on the tome, which would mix creative writing with reminisence.
An extract from the book appeared in a Manchester based anthology earlier this year, fuelling excitement amongst fans.