Matt Ó Shares New Solo EP ‘MESSER’ In Full

"That's where you get something special..."

Irish artist Matt Ó has shared his new solo EP ‘MESSER’ in full.

The songwriter is part of a new wave of Irish talent, blending hip-hop culture with their own experiences to create something dynamic and fresh. Previously, Matt Ó was part of Tebi Rex, an alternative hip-hop duo who released two great albums, all while touring across Europe.

Matt Ó was continually finding ideas that didn’t sit in that framework, however, with his solo guise taking a more soulful, alt-R&B direction. ‘MESSER’ gathers these ideas, and the new EP builds on the breakout success of his recent cut ‘Something New’.

Packed with humour and vivacity, the project loosely becomes A-Day-In-The-Life, with Matt Ó packing his lyrics with sharp-edged honesty. He explains…

“When I was 12, my teacher gave us a writing exercise. Anything we wanted. I knew he loved history. I knew I didn’t. Still, I went for it, and I wrote an absolute piece of garbage for him. His words, not mine – I can tell that you wrote this because you thought I’d like it. Instead, you should write about what you know – not what you think others are interested in. That’s where you get something special, where you find the best art. That’s what this tape is to me. It’s what I know… myself. I’m soft, I’m unassuming, I’m grateful, I’m cheeky, I’m romantic, I’m sad, I’m anxious at times and at other times entirely confident in who I am and what I can do.”

Tune in now.

Photo Credit: Michael D’Angelo (@shotsbyMDA)

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