Marry Waterson, Emily Barker Combine On ‘Twister’

It's a folk-hewn gem that owes a debt to serendipity...

Marry Waterson and Emily Barker just seem to work well together.

One is an English folk voice, the other an Australian soul songwriter, but together they traverse style and geography to truly connect.

New album 'A Window to Other Ways' arrives on March 29th, a warm, endearing, endlessly humane collaboration between two potent voices.

We're able to share album cut 'Twister' and it's a folk-hewn gem that owes a debt to serendipity.

The two were attending a songwriting workshop held by Kathryn Williams, and meant to send a demo to each other across Whatsapp.

Landing in the full group chat, Adem Ilhan then picked it up and added some additional string elements.

Marry explains: "Adem added some wonderful, weird cello parts and sent it back to us. This confirmed what Emily and I had already decided: that we’d love Adem to produce the album…"

Tune in now.

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