Marina Herlop Announces New Album ‘Nekkuja’

Listen to lead single 'La Alhambra'...

Catalan artist Marina Herlop has announced a new album, ‘Nekkuja’, out October 27th via Berlin label PAN.

Feeling unmoored after the release of her critically-acclaimed last album ‘Pripyat’ – featured in last year’s Album Of The Year list – Herlop leaned into the fantasies she was having of a utopian ideal that centred a natural interplay between her personal life and her creative instincts. Of her awakening, Herlop says, “Some days I used to sit on the balcony of my flat to catch some sun,” she explains, “I would close my eyes and start visualising myself as a gardener, pulling out purple weeds from the soil, every bad memory or emotion I wanted to expulse being one of the plants.”

Herlop started tending to her “garden” both physically and figuratively, and the result is ‘Nekkuja’, a more inviting, poppier sonic experiment than the glitchy synaesthesia of ‘Pripyat’.

Lead single ‘La Alhmabra’ is the bridge between past and future versions of Marina Herlop, recalling the skittering, ornate vocal work of ‘Pripyat’, whilst gesturing forwards to the open embrace of future-pop.

Listen here…

Photo Credit: Angelo Guttadauro

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