The late Manchester musical impresario Tony Wilson was celebrated over the weekend with a unique “24 Hour Conversation” that included members of The Charlatans, New Order and Irvine Welsh.
The “24 Hour Conversation” was a fitting tribute to a man who, perhaps more than any other, helped redefine Manchester as one of the pop capital’s of the world. The owner of both Factory Records and the legendary Hacienda nightclub, Wilson was central to the careers of such musical greats as New Order and Joy Division.
Amongst the other legacies Wilson leaves behind him is the In The City conference – arguably the greatest music showcase event in Europe. The speech marathon finished at mid-day on Sunday (June 22nd), taking place at Cathedral Gardens and the Urbis Museum in Manchester.
Amongst the speakers who paid tribute to Wilson were broadcasters Mark Radcliffe and Stuart Maconie, as well as figures from groups such as The Charlatans and New Order.