M People Aren’t Happy About Liz Truss Using Their Music

'Moving On Up' was played before her conference speech...

90s legends M People have expressed their distaste after their music was used by Liz Truss at the Conservative party conference.

It’s a perennial bugbear amongst musicians – politicians seem able, and more importantly willing, to use whatever music they please, in whatever context they like. Donald Trump baited the Rolling Stones by frequently using ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’ while Johnny Marr went as far as forbidding David Cameron from liking the Smiths.

Liz Truss is on rocky terrain already, and all eyes are on the new Prime Minister at the Conservative party conference. Aides informed media she would walk out to a 90s classic, with the politician choosing M People’s evergreen karaoke staple ‘Moving On Up’.

The move ruffled feathers, with founder Mike Pickering – who was also a famed Hacienda DJ – expressing his disgust, dubbing it “a soundtrack to lies”.

Watch Liz Truss make her entrance below.

M People vocalist Heather Small has yet to comment, but her son James Small-Edwards is indeed a Labour councillor – for Bayswater, in fact.

Responding on social media, he writes:

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