London creative figure Lord Apex has shared plans for new EP ‘Where’s Your Feet?’.
An artist respected across genre lines, Lord Apex is a slick producer, a sought-after songwriter, and a wicked rapper. Continually creative his star-studded LP ‘The Good Fight’ landed last year, a significant development in his catalogue.
Popping up at Cross The Tracks festival in London, Lord Apex performed across beats supplied by Madlib – a significant co-sign.
Pushing ahead, new EP ‘Where’s Your Feet?’ aims to deliver all-out energy, combining that unique Apex vision with some stellar guests.
The title track is out now, the EP’s lead single and a real mission statement. Amid the ongoing Brazil-London creative relationship, Lord Apex hits up Brazilian producer El Life for a zesty, colour-laden collaboration.
Fusing together club tropes, ‘Where’s Your Feet?’ taps into the lingering energies of summer – tune in now.
Tune in now.