Laurel Canyon Share ‘A Man About Town’ Video

A slice of East Coast rock 'n' roll...

Laurel Canyon are aiming for rock ‘n’ roll thrills – and hitting the target every time.

Live, the band are a force to be reckoned with, skewing their garage punk template with left-field aspects. Continually engrossing, Laurel Canyon went into the studio at the tail end of 2022 to focus on something new.

Out now, their self-titled album is packed with energy and invention. A record that brims with rock ‘n’ roll thrills, it allows Laurel Canyon space to finesse their approach, achieving laser-sharp accuracy in the process.

As Clash reviewer Craig Howieson noted the band “bear very little resemblance to the music spawned from the area they take their name. Don’t be fooled, there are no four part harmonies or laconic strums of acoustic guitar to be found here. Their self-titled debut is pure east coast rock and roll.”

Album highlight ‘A Man About Town’ distills their approach down to its most potent elixir, and it now comes equipped with visuals directed by Lola Daehler.

A filmmaker, musician and front girl from New York, she fronted the all-girl punk group Homade, and became close friends with Laurel Canyon.

Capturing the lawless essence of the band, the beach-shot clip for ‘A Man About Town’ is Laurel Canyon at their most irresistible.

Tune in now.

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