The Illuminati is one of the internet's most enduring folk myths.
Positing that a secret cabal of hip hop performers are secretly running the world, it's a fable which simply won't go away.
Penning an essay for the new issue of Paper, Kanye West argued that if there even was an Illuminati it would be populated by massive companies – not individual performers.
“If there was actually an Illuminati, it would be more like the energy companies," he said. "Not celebrities that gave their life to music and who are pinpointed as decoys for people who really run the world.”
“I’m tired of people pinpointing musicians as the Illuminati. That’s ridiculous. We don’t run anything; we’re celebrities. We’re the face of brands. We have to compromise what we say in lyrics so we don’t lose money on a contract.”
The lengthy essay also muses on Madonna's recent comeback, while touching on the American dream and his own struggles to be accepted by the fashion world.
Check out the essay HERE.
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