Fashion conscious rapper Kanye West has given a new interview in which he denies he “dresses gay”.
Believe it or not, it is almost impossible to tell someone’s sexuality by the way they dress. That’s a new broadcast brought to you by the Kanye West news service, who has spoken out over accusations that he dresses gay.
Being gay seems to be a big deal in the hip hop fraternity, where the slightest hint of the love that dare not speak its name is often met with derision. Kanye West’s frequently outlandish fashion sense has led to the rapper leaping to the defence of those deemed to dress in a homosexual manner.
Speaking to Complex the rapper said “I really think it’s because society tries to dictate the way a guy is supposed to dress and the way a guy is supposed to act, and I refuse to conform.”
Kanye West is well known for his love of fashion. The rapper attempted to become an intern at a fashion house in the UK, before settling for collaborating with Louis Vuitton on a new pair of trainers.
“If people could just realize the amount of mundaneness and followers that lack creativity… I think people’s mentality is like, ‘Only gay people are that creative’,” he said.
“And it’s true there are a lot of gay people who are incredible creative minds, but there are straight people who are incredible creative minds – and there’s gay people who can’t dress or create at all, too.
“Closed-minded gay people probably say they dress ‘straight’.”
Kanye West is set to launch his new Louis Vuitton trainer range in June.