John Lydon has decided to cancel the recording of the PiL album to be with his family.
Returning last year, Public Image Limited have proved that they still pack a mighty punch in the live arena. Touring across the globe, the band re-visited material from throughout their entire career.
However what fans really wanted was a new album. In recent interviews John Lydon had claimed that Public Image Limited were writing new material, and that an album would follow at their leisure.
PiL last released new material two decades ago, with the news causing excitement amongst fans. Writing new tracks, it seems that John Lydon has decided to shelve the album for the time being.
The singer recently lost his step-daughter Ari Up, who died of cancer. The iconic Slits singer was a punk star in her own right, helped to blend fractured post-punk with pulsating dub reggae.
Remaining a stunning performer until the last, Ari Up opened new areas for women in rock music. Passing away on October 25th, John Lydon has insisted that a new album will have to wait so he can be with his family.
“We were going to go into the studio but in light of my stepdaughter’s death I really can’t be doing that at the moment,” he told BBC News.
“I don’t want to leave my wife alone for any length of time right now. So the music side has had to be held.”
Continuing, John Lydon revealed that the rest of his band mates in Public Image Limited “all understand” his reasons. “They all knew her anyway,” he told BBC News. “So it’s a good thing that we’ve taken a breather. It would have been impossible and would have affected the outcome of the record.”
John Lydon recently released the autobiography of sorts ‘Mr Rotten’s Scrapbook’.