Electronic producer Jamie Lidell has claimed that he threw away the rulebook on his latest album.
Jamie Lidell is used to doing things differently. The electronic producer earned a sterling reputation amongst beatsmiths, before deciding to don a suit and make some sweet soul music.
Capable of moving between vastly different ideas and styles, Jamie Lidell’s new album ‘Compass’ is one of his most expansive efforts to date. Produced by Beck the material was laid down in just one week, with the disciplined sessions pushing Jamie Lidell into otherwise unexplored areas.
Forced to hit the ‘edit’ button, the resulting album whittles down the material. Speaking to ClashMusic, Jamie Lidell reveals that he was concerned at leaving some ideas behind.
“I did feel bad about having so many angles, having so many musical directions and trying to jam them all into an album” he said. “But then after a while I was like, ‘No, it’s very essential for me to do that. It’s like who I am, you know?’ So in a way I was like completely freed in my head.”
“I can rightfully hold a compass and I’m not lost and I’m going where I want to be going. There’s no fucking rules man” he continued. “What the fuck? Why was I making all the rules anyway?”
Bursting with ideas, Jamie Lidell often found ti difficult to keep them inside. “Especially this time around I had a lot to say. I’ve got to step up and say what I want to say. I wanted to be on that soapbox and not be mute.”
Click HERE to read the entire interview!