Jackmaster Ripped From SoundCloud

Glaswegian selector gives his mixes away...

Soundcloud has been causing serious problems for DJs, artists and media publications alike for some time now, with Dummy, Radar Radio and many other outlets having their accounts pulled or limited.

The latest victim is Jackmaster, who just announced on Facebook that "Soundcloud recently removed all of your favourite Jackmaster mixes from the internets."

Knowing that this is a detriment to "House parties across the land" which have been left without his Tweak-A-Holic's, his Mastermixes and his Essential mix ("It's a travesty… a crime against music!"), he has very kindly upped everything into one handy WeTransfer link.

"Party on troops, for your weekend is saved!"

Nice one, Jack.

Words: Felicity Martin

Related: Essential Mixer – Jackmaster Interviewed

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