J Ramms Brings Lyrical Fire On ‘Fahrenheit’ Mixtape

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J Ramms returns with new mixtape ‘Fahrenheit’.

The London artist is part of a new wave of energy in the ground, blending the drill sounds his generation have grown up with alongside other fresh elements.

There’s a lot more to J Ramms than just viral cuts, and his finesse is brought to the fore on broad, engaging new mixtape ‘Fahrenheit’.

Recruiting some special guests, the project acts as a point of introduction to his peers, a gathering of creative force from the London underground. So, go into the tape expecting spots from Cashh, Ras65th, 411, Pablo Productions, Aon Mache, and Ryukann.

Lead single ‘Dead’ still hits hard, while ‘Boss Life’ and the Cashh aided ‘Chop N Drop 2’ are vital. There’s a lot more to explore here, however, with J Ramms displaying a great deal of creative depth across the project’s 10 tracks.

Tune in now.

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